About Shift

I'm Alex Bugg, the founder of Shift. I have over a decade of experience using behaviour change techniques in a wide range of environments. I have also trained individuals to use behaviour change communication skills, from physiotherapists, nutritionists and public health practitioners, to school sport co-ordinators, business owners, and senior managers.
The approach from Shift is to simplify behaviour change techniques, and make them accessible and relatable to a wide range of professionals. We teach the underlying theory, but focus heavily on the practical skills needed to create engagement, boost uptake and retention, and ensure your service is above your competition. During training we provide a safe and relaxing space to practice using the communication skills we teach, while receiving real-time feedback.
Finally, we make sure that anyone receiving training leaves with not only and enhanced ability to inspire change and have high-quality conversations, but with a toolkit that they can use to practice their skills, reflect on their communication techniques, and refine their ability to inspire change.
Shift provide communication and behaviour change training to anyone that works with people. We provide 1-1 sessions, group workshops and bespoke group training sessions.
Get in touch to see how we can help you.
How enhancing your communication
can help your business
Consider 3 scenarios:
A consultation with a new lead doesn't convert into new business
The level of engagement from a new lead drops within 1-2 months, then they leave.
You've built a solid relationship with a new client over 5-6 months, however they suddenly decide they want to leave.
Now consider the impact to your business if you could increase your conversion rate, increase your average retention rate, and ensure the service you deliver is engaging and above the level of your competition.
Sounds good doesn't it. Enhancing your communication skills with behaviour change techniques could be the missing link.
Behaviour change can be simply summarised as a way of talking to people without pi***ng them off. But really, it's a way of boosting someone's motivation, confidence and belief that they're able to do something, and that a certain course of action is worth pursuing.
People like to be involved in conversations and decisions regarding their health and wellbeing. New leads will always come to you with previous experiences that shape their beliefs about what will and won't work, and their own perceived value of potentially working with you.
​​The pyramid above outlines the way a good conversation should go. As a professional we're often great at engaging and building rapport, and can quickly find out what someone is looking for and focus on this area. Unfortunately, we sometimes fall into the trap of immediately wanting to showcase our expertise and jump to planning, instead of taking the chance to evoke the motivations, barriers and other factors that will be impacting this individuals desire to commit or not.
The conversational toolkit that we can teach can help to draw out peoples internal and external motivations, barriers and readiness to change, and increase their motivation to commit to a change. If any of this is starting to sound familiar it's because it's a similar approach to the one used by sales people. However, we're not just selling a service, we're selling the individual on themselves. The benefit to their health and wellbeing, or the benefit to their business.
To find out more about the techniques we teach, fill out the short form below.